Talks on stage:
Domenico Pozzovivo
Edition 2024
27.06.2024 | 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | WEST HALL, STAZIONE LEOPOLDA
Made in Italy dreams

27.06.2024 | 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM | EAST HALL, STAZIONE LEOPOLDA
Destination: Basilicata

Domenico Pozzovivo has been a professional cyclist since 2005, but his dedication extends far beyond the sport. Alongside his competitive career, he earned degrees in both Economics and Sports Science. Currently riding for the VF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè team, last May he competed in the Giro d’Italia at the age of 41.
His climbing abilities and determination have led him to finish in the top ten of the Giro d'Italia seven times, making him one of the most consistent and respected figures in recent years. His story is that of an athlete who has not only challenged time but also demonstrated that passion and commitment can be fundamental pillars. He has claimed victories in the Giro del Trentino, a stage at the Giro d'Italia, one at the Volta Ciclista a Catalunya in 2015, and one at the Tour de Suisse.
His experience and successes offer a valuable lesson on how to face challenges and persevere, inspiring others to never stop pursuing their ambitions. On the stage of BECYCLE, Domenico Pozzovivo will discuss how to achieve one's dreams with zeal and determination, showcasing how every goal is attainable with the right effort and the necessary passion to overcome every obstacle.