Brand Profile
As a brand, we’ve always stood for quality. But not quality as the world defines it.
The word quality has been co-opted by corporations; endlessly diluted and overused in empty marketing claims. It’s been rendered to a vapid statement, void of truth and integrity. A load of hot air.
We’re here to change that. We are slowly creating a new mentality. We’re redefining what it means to be a quality brand. And we’re re-evaluating what’s at the core of a ‘quality life.’
Quality living is about getting rid of the perfunctory, superficial stuff. It’s about bringing a renewed focus to the simple, but meaningful moments. It’s about seeking less, and in doing so, finding more.
So, we’re committed to: Seeking less status, validation, short-lived trends, fast fashion, quick fixes, and meaningless distractions. And finding more meaning, connection, creativity, contentment, and quality of life.