Company Profile
APPO, Associazione Provinciale Produttori Olivicoli, is a cooperative society founded in Viterbo in 1977 and built on the values of cooperation, professionalism and quality. The founding members shared the goal of joining forces, resources and skills to establish themselves on the local market with an extra virgin olive oil with a high quality profile. Over the years, APPO has proven its ability to keep up with the ever-changing world, confirming its ability to be at the forefront of all aspects related to production, from the olive grove to the oil mill. Today APPO is the point of reference of a Producers' Organization (P.O.), which aggregates more than 14,000 players in the quality EVO oil supply chain: farms, mills and cooperatives dedicated to the production of extra virgin olive oil, located throughout the Province of Viterbo, Rieti and Umbria, to which it provides technical, commercial and promotional assistance, as well as training on the latest cultivation and production techniques and in traceability processes.
For APPO, the quality of extra virgin olive oil is measured in:
Connection with olive growers: as the 1,660 members devote themselves to the 530,000 olive trees growing in about 2. 700 hectares of olive groves between Latium and Umbria, the Agricultural Cooperative Society has always cultivated a constructive relationship with olive growers, supporting them with professional training and constant technical assistance on integrated and organic production, improvement of growing conditions, preservation of soil fertility, monitoring of oil fly, and new pruning and harvesting methods, because the sensory quality of extra virgin olive oil begins with a fresh, healthy olive, harvested and delivered as quickly as possible to the oil mill;
Oil millers expertise: since 2016 APPO has operated two oil mills, one in Gradoli and one in Castel Cellesi in Bagnoregio, located on opposite shores of Lake Bolsena, thanks to which it produces and bottles an average of 130. 000 kilograms of extra virgin olive oil; experienced oil millers are dedicated to milling Caninese, Frantoio, Leccino and Maurino olives, typical cultivars of the Tuscia area and Central Italy: the temperature of the olive paste is constantly monitored during pressing and kneading so that it never exceeds 27°C and the organoleptic qualities of the extra virgin olive oil are maintained;
Union and collaboration among all the actors of the supply chain: the cooperative reality of APPO gathers all the actors of the extra virgin olive oil production chain, united towards the shared goal of producing and marketing quality extra virgin olive oil; the vision of low environmental impact olive growing and the certified traceability system is flanked by the marketing and promotion activities, which knows how to recognize each individual actor of the supply chain the right value for their work done, from the olive to the plate.
APPO is committed to sustain an oil culture that stretches from one shore of Lake Bolsena to the highest part of the Tiber Valley. In this territory of volcanic lands once inhabited by the Etruscans, APPO's members perform daily gestures that are rich in technique, expertise and progress, yet as ancient as ever. The Cooperative's meticulous work leads to the production of extra virgin olive oils with a high sensory profile: in the 2022 oil campaign, APPO oils won the Orii del Lazio, Foreign Press Association in Italy, and Lions Club awards.
APPO produces and bottles different types of extra virgin olive oil, which, according to the areas and production specifications, have very different sensory profiles: the assortment is a kind of "Oils Charter," which expresses the biodiversity of oil production in the province of Viterbo and gives a proposal that can adapt to every palate and every dish.
The traceability of the process and the products is certified by the CSQA system, according to the UNI EN ISO 22005:2008 standard, which guarantees the 100% Italian supply chain, makes it possible to trace all the actors in the supply chain who participated in the production of the individual batch, makes efficient and effective product withdrawal in cases of risk to consumer health.