Among old acquaintances, new faces, internationally renowned creators, many new releases from brands, and his first talk during the fair, Matteo Stringhini, Founder of 50 ml, shared his visit to the latest edition of Fragranze in a video. Many were the industry professionals he met: from Francilla Ronchi, the creative mind and founder of Coreterno, who tells the story of the brand that's 100% made in Italy, to Salvador Montesinos, founder of Botanicae, one of the few still accessible brands, whose extracts tell personal life stories: from Noa Noa inspired by Gauguin's travels in Polynesia to Itaca inspired by the legendary adventure of Ulysses, from Ebano inspired by Kapuscinski's travels in Africa to Honduras inspired by Shackleton's discovery of the South Pole. Carol from Essential Parfums talks about the new fragrance just released exclusively on 50ml, Adrian Yu, founder of Tobba, shares his desire as a former painter to transform visual language into scent. Marc Antoine Barros talks about Encelade, one of the latest creations of the eponymous brand. And also the tasty new creations from Versatile with the new perfume on Coca Cola and those from Masque Milano, not forgetting Laurent Mazzone and Molinard, Release with the new vegan brand made in Berlin, Laboratorio Olfattivo with the two new home fragrances, and the meeting with one of the most skilled noses, Spyros Drosopoulos of Baruti.