"PittiTime" is the Theme of the January Shows  
Edition 94
Sync up with Pitti Filati
"PittiTime" is the theme characterizing Pitti Immagine's winter shows and the new advertising campaign of Pitti Filati, directed by filmmaker Leonardo Corallini and coordinated by creative director Angelo Figus.

The campaign celebrates the human connection with nature, both in action and feeling. It draws inspiration from the delicate, knowledgeable, and respectful gestures of hands conducting music, akin to a loom weaving a symphony of tactile and chromatic impressions. The invisible loom of the seasons gifts extraordinary, almost fragrant, tactile blooms of color. The passing of seasons is measured by a mathematical formula, transforming these impressions into elusive graphic patterns through an algorithm.
It's time for a new era of listening, respect, and sensitivity. It is a time to establish a new relationship between man and nature. The time of seasonal blossoming and withering, faithfully perpetuating a unique and unalterable law. A time that gently expands tactile and chromatic sensations for the upcoming summer season. The beauty of nature, the ingenuity of humans transforming it. The algorithm governing this relationship creates patterns and color nuances that characterize the communication campaign with lightness and mathematical precision.

— Angelo Figus, Creative Director

Nothing resembles temporal scanning more than the Pitti Immagine shows, which, timely, arrive each season to propose, present, confront, anticipate, change.This rhythm is also reflected in the world of yarns, defining an increasingly nature-conscious approach. Sustainability, environmental respect, and new ways of recreating and regenerating lead to new textures and collections that set trends in the global fashion world.

— Agostino Poletto, General Director of Pitti Immagine