WALK THROUGH 3: by Maria Giulia Pieroni
Edition 92
Full-energy shoes
From the iconic "Blunnies" to track soles, wellington boots, and grittier chunky styles. Stylish suede versions, with animal prints or spotted details. From mountain paths to city streets, these boots are made for walking.
How to wear them? With any outfit in your wardrobe! And thick and colorful socks.
Chelsea Boots, this is their original name, are a classic that go well with slimmer outfits. Comfortable but also elegant.
They are called "the Original," but they are also known as the "Blunnies" in Australia. Designed over a century ago, today, they go with every kind of outfit ... their signature feature is the elastic band, often colorful or with a pattern.
You feel like you can climb the world and play freely with these chunky boots.
Rubber, color, and rounded shapes suitable in the rain and not only: the wellington boots by Crocs.
These Eskimo boots featuring little moose on the feet are very much like a cuddle.
Style is in the details: velvet and chunky sole.
A timeless classic, the Kickers Derby shoes are perfect for any girl and boy's wardrobe.
We are not leaving the most "fashionistas" behind, with these Ocra's Derby boots in sustainable leather
Wear your teddy bear on your feet: these Crunch boots by Pèpè Children Shoes are the sweetest.
With a pair of cheeky socks, the outfit gets even cooler, with a pair of Veja on your feet.
Maria Giulia Pieroni - @LaPieroni_
Fashion and lifestyle journalist, curious, explorer. Passionate about accessories, she often wears something on her head.
She collaborates with Pitti Immagine, a series of brands and magazines, such as F Magazine and IODonna, and she teaches in a fashion school ...
She likes the world of adults but prefers the children's one.