Regione Toscana
Edition 2024
Toscana Promozione Turistica
Cycling in Tuscany offers an experience that goes beyond mere travel, inviting you to explore and dream. Cycling through lesser-known territories or rediscovering iconic places allows you to immerse yourself in the local lifestyle, giving you a deep sense of belonging. The region combines natural, scenic and artistic heritage with the multiple motivations of travellers, making it one of the most popular cycling destinations. With over 15,000 km of routes, the Atlas of cycling routes, available at, makes it easy to organise your trip, offering interactive maps and detailed descriptions. Tuscany is increasingly bike-friendly, with accommodation facilities, wineries, restaurants and specialised guides. Regional and national cycling events are supported with significant resources. The creation of regional itineraries such as the Ciclovia dell'Arno and the Ciclovia Tirrenica promotes slow and sustainable tourism. Tuscany, the historical land of cycling, is an increasingly two-wheel friendly region.