Talks on stage:
Omar Di Felice
Edition 2024
Place of the event
Date of the event
27.06.2024 16:25
Omar Di Felice, widely recognized and esteemed as an extreme athlete, explorer, and communicator, has tackled the most challenging endeavors in the most inaccessible places. After spending the last two winters crossing Antarctica, he has recently added more achievements to his list of successes: winning the Trans America and the Indian Pacific in Australia, two of the most demanding ultracycling races in the world.
But his commitment does not stop there. Omar Di Felice is also an environmental activist and a passionate advocate in the fight against climate change. His project "Bike to 1.5°C" aims to raise awareness about the severe effects of the climate crisis and the importance of taking targeted actions to reduce carbon emissions and limit the global temperature increase to within 1.5°C.
His extraordinary experience in extreme cycling challenges, combined with his fervent commitment to environmental conservation, makes him a powerful and inspiring voice on the urgent challenges we face. Join us to hear the captivating story of how he overcame incredible obstacles and achieved seemingly impossible goals.