Talks on stage:
Ludovica Casellati
Edition 2024
Place of the event
Date of the event
27.06.2024 17:00
A law degree and managerial experience in the world of TV and advertising. But in 2012, Ludovica Casellati left all that behind to devote herself full-time to her great passions: writing, travel, and biking. In 2013, she founded the online magazine, a reference point for cycling tourism, and since then she has started a new life as a journalist on two wheels, coming to be identified online as “Ladybici.” Among other things, she conceived and organizes the Italian Oscar of cycling tourism and the Urban Award with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (Anci). In 2017, he created the collection of hotels that offer luxury services to cyclists. Since September 2018, she has also been publisher of Viaggi del Gusto ( a historic tourism and food and wine publication. In 2023 he organized Eco the Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Smart Cities. He loves to pedal, not run.