Talks on stage:
Pasquale Di Molfetta aka Linus.
Edition 2024
Place of the event
Date of the event
28.06.2024 17:45
1976 is the date of his 'radio' birth, with a goliardic debut in one of the thousands of small private radio stations born at that time. In just a few years, however, what started out as a game turned into a real job, and after two or three stints on more and more prestigious stations, in 1984 he joined Radio Deejay.

Since 1991 he has hosted Deejay Chiama Italia the morning radio programme from )8 together with Nicola Savino and since 1994 he has been Artistic Director of Radio Deejay.

He was the author and presenter of PIM (Italian Music Award), broadcast on Italia Uno in the company of, among others, Serena Dandini and Paola Cortellesi.

Author and presenter of television programmes including Notti Europee: I Figli di Eupalla on the occasion of the 2004 European Football Championship and the cinematographic adventure of Natale a casa Deejay, a free transposition of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, which after selling 200,000 copies landed on Canale 5.

Since 2007 Linus has been responsible for the entire radio sector of the L'Espresso Group, which in addition to Radio Deejay also includes Radio Capital, and since 2009 he has been in charge of the artistic direction of the Deejay TV channel.

He has three books to his credit: Linus Chiama Italia (Sperling & Kupfer), E qualcosa rimane (Mondadori), and Qualcuno con cui giocare (Mondadori), his narrative debut.

September 2010 saw the publication of Parli sempre di corsa (Mondadori. He is the creator of the Deejay Ten, the 10 km running race that has been held in the centre of Milan, Florence and Rome since 2004. In the 2013-2014 season Linus hosted the talk show "Il grande cocomero" on Rai 2. On 10 May 2014 he commented live with Nicola Savino the final of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest on Rai 2. Linus is currently on air on Radio Deejay (also live on Deejay Tv and with Deejay Chiama Italia and Deejay Training Center with Stefano Baldini and Davide Cassani. For his passion for sport and his unmistakable way of talking and involving his listeners, Linus is certainly the most loved and authoritative character on the Italian radio scene.