Talks on stage:
Elena Casiraghi
Edition 2024
Place of the event
Date of the event
26.06.2024 14:20
Elena Casiraghi holds a Ph.D. in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness, and is a leading figure in the field of sports nutrition. 
An expert in sports nutrition and a scientific communicator for Equipe Enervit, she has dedicated years to studying and researching the connections between diet, wellness, and athletic performance. 
A prolific author, her latest book is titled 'Nutri la tua energia' (Cairo Publishing). 
As a lecturer at the University of Pavia, where she teaches Theory and Methods of Preparation in Individual Sports, she helps shape the new generation of professionals in the sports field. A former rowing and triathlon athlete, Elena Casiraghi has supported international champions such as Lara Gut (alpine skiing), Hervé Barmasse (mountaineering), Elisa Di Francisca (fencing), the Italian National Track and Field Team, and the Italian Women's Olympic Rowing Team for Rio 2016. 
Her presence at BECYCLE represents a valuable opportunity for sports enthusiasts, offering unique insights and in-depth knowledge on sports nutrition and wellness.